viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

Louis Vuitton presents "Walking in Fabrizio Viti's Shoes"

Después de ver "Walking in Fabrizio Viti's Shoes" por Louis Vuitton me da ganas de tener una segunda niñez y jugar con Barbies había nada como tener muchos zapatitos!!! y ropa! Recuerdo mis incursiones fallidas en el mundo de la costura haciendole vestidos a mis Barbies...que tiempos aquellos. ♥

After seen "Walking in Fabrizio Viti's Shoes" by  Louis Vuitton I feel like I want to have a second childhood and play with Barbies again...there was nothing like having lots of little shoes!!! and clothes! I remember trying to sew dresses for my Barbies (and failing)...ahh what a lovely time. ♥

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